
Below you will find 3 tiers of engagement in how we can work together, each one getting deeper in depth. I’ve laid out my services this way because everyone is at a different stage in their life journey. For those looking to dip their toes into Clairvoyance, who need clarity, who are struggling and have exhausted themselves for answers, Tier I is a good start. When you understand the power of Clairvoyance, Tiers II and III will delve into healing packages or working with me for 1:1 coaching, the ultimate goal being self mastery.

Tier I: Clairvoyant Reading & Healing

If you are new to Clairvoyance and psychic work, I highly encourage you to schedule a one hour session with me to start. While you are more than welcome to have a set intention for our reading, a typical session will cover many different topics such as your current relationship with soul, spiritual gifts, ability to manifest what you desire, career, love and relationships, past lives, core beliefs preventing you from growth, and more.

Tier II: Healing Package (5 sessions)

If you are ready to dive into several areas of your subconscious, removing blockages, limiting core beliefs, illuminating painful patterns, bringing better acknowledgement to your life’s path, your soul purpose/mission, your family’s history, a healing package is the next step. We go very deep across different levels of your subconscious, reviewing past traumas on a soul, ancestral, and body level from this lifetime. Each healing package is catered to your specific needs as everyone’s subconscious/needs are different.

Tier III: Clairvoyant Coaching

This service is a 2 month long container we will work in together. In addition to our Clairvoyant sessions where we dive deep into your subconscious, we will also have dedicated coaching sessions in between healings. These coaching sessions will be geared towards integrating the insights/lessons learned from your Clairvoyant sessions with me with additional support to help embody the changes you are striving to make. There will be a major focus on instilling new habits, routines, and self-accountability to drive home transformation and change. Please book a 15 minute consultation if we have not spoken before to see if it’s a good fit.

Clairvoyant 1:1 Coaching Program

If you are interested in joining my Clairvoyant 1:1 coaching program and are unable to sign up for a 15 minute consultation, please fill out the intake form to your right. We will discuss the program’s structure, what will be covered, answer any questions, and decide if it’s a good fit from there.

This program is geared towards enacting real change in your life. There is magic in Clairvoyance that can offer profound healing but the real work starts everyday when your alarm goes off and you are faced with the habits and patterns you’ve built over the course of your life. We will work together in building this new version of you by breaking these patterns through integration and accountability.

Talk to you soon.

“The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you really are” - Carl Jung